Tanglewood Island Lighthouse
by Ted
Minnaar (784) 495-2562
This photo, submitted by Fox Islander Ron Sherman, was
taken of a sunset from the deck of their Fox
Island home.
He sent it to King-5 Weatherpix and it was selected for showing on the
evening news.
The Bear on Fox
Looking for something to eat, 4/28/00.
"Fox Island Bear" visited the Webmaster's yard on 4/30/00.
Heather Ohlson's rendition of the "Bear By The Swing Set".
This new Island resident took
moving seriously... They were recently moving to Tanglewood
Island, and hired a landing craft to ferry the U-haul truck from
the Fox Island boat launch to Tanglewood Island.
On the way to Tanglewood
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since July 1, 1999
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