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Fox Island T-Shirt History

Neil Haney of Neil's Silkscreen in Gig Harbor, has been FICRA's longtime T-shirt supplier, for at least the past 12 years.  Here, he applies the white base coat for the 2010 T-shirts in his shop.

The 2010 FICRA T-shirt was designed by Megan Gurr.

2009 FICRA T-shirt,
designed by FICRA President, John Ohlson

The 2008 T-shirt featured Northwest Indian inspired leaping salmon, designed by former Governor Dixy Lee Ray.

The Fox Island Fair T-Shirt is an annual tradition dating back to the early 70's when FICRA was formed.  Sold at the annual Fox Island Fair in August, it typically featured some aspect of Island life for that year.

The shirts were designed by local artists, sometimes through a design contest sponsored by FICRA.

The winning design was then applied to t-shirts, and sold at the fair as a fund raiser for FICRA.

Governor Dixy Lee Ray designed one of the early shirts, featuring a Northwest Indian motif.
The 2009 edition of the Fox Island T-shirt
The new logo, designed by John Ohlson, is featured on this year's Island wear fashion line, which commemorates the annual FICRA Fair in August.

Get your Island wear at the Fox Island Museum

2007 FICRA t-Shirt, designed by Pat Scanlon, featured the Tanglewood Island lighthouse and lodge. 
At the time the shirt was made, the top of the lighthouse had collapsed from decay, and had not been repaired.

2006 T-Shirts, designed by George Weiss, featured a map of the island, with historical boats from Fox Island's past.


2005 - Designed by Nelson Jay

2005 FICRA T-Shirts

2004 - Designed by Nelson Jay

Janet Schneeman and sons at the FICRA Booth


The Tanglewood Island lighthouse was featured in the 2003 design.

F O X   I S L A N D

Bridge to Paradise!

2002 edition of the FICRA Fair T-shirt

The popular website icon design of 2002 inspired the T-shirt design that year, which featured a stylized version of the Fox Island bridge as viewed from the mainland, and Mt. Rainier in the distance.


The 2001 Fair T-Shirt featured a lighthouse motif, with Mt. Rainier in the background.  Artist unknown.

T-shirt sales at the 2000 Fair were brisk!

1999 - 'Leaping into 2000'

The 1999 T-shirt, designed by Joanne Gray, featured a fox 'leaping' into the year 2000, as we reached the end of the 20th century. 

It was also the year FICRA launched it's new website,, which was featured on the shirt.

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