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Historical Society News

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from the

We have an extensive library of old books which you, as Historical Society members, are welcome to browse and read AT THE MUSEUM.  We DO NOT have a book lending service, in contrast to the old Sylvan Library, which stated its rules on the fly leaves of some of the donated books we received from them:

Rules for Sylvan Library

bulletEach member shall be allowed but one book at a time.
bulletBooks may be retained two weeks. One renewal will be allowed.
bulletA penalty of five cents a week will be Imposed upon books kept beyond the allotted time.
bulletBooks may be drawn from the library on Friday from four to five, and on Sunday after the church services.
bulletBooks destroyed, defaced or lost must be replaced or paid for by the person borrowing the book.

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TIDBIT FROM OUR MUSEUM LIBRARY: The Klickitat name for the Columbia River is Wauna.

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Seek and Find

This home encyclopaedia pertaining to all aspects of everyday life was given to the Fox Island Historical Society by Mrs. Thelma Fassett in honor of her husband Cecil Fassett. It was published in 1881 by A.L. Bancroft & Co. San Francisco.

(Author's comment: I think that despite our modern home appliances such as cuisinart, etc., after reading the above recipe many Fox Islanders should be receiving anchovies instead of fruitcake, that contemporary, musty standby, for Christmas presents. Remember they do have to cover close the sprats for six months.)

To Make Anchovies. - Procure a quantity of sprats, as fresh as possible; do not wash or wipe them, but just take them as caught, and for every peck of the fish, take two pounds of common salt, a quarter of a pound of bay salt, four pounds of saltpetre, two ounces of sal-prunella, and two-penny­worth of cochineal. Pound all these ingredients in a mortar, mixing them well together. Then take stone jars or small kegs, according to your quantity of sprats, and place a layer of the fish and a layer of the mixed ingredients alternately, until the pot is full; then press hard down, an cover close for six months; they will then be fit for use. We can vouch for the excellence and cheapness of the anchovies made in this manner. In fact, most of the fine Gorgona anchovies sold in the oil and pickle shops are made in this or a similar manner; from British sprats.

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chapel.jpg (16915 bytes) The Sylvan Library was housed for many years in the Sylvan Church. The Sylvan Church has remained a very integral part of the history of Fox Island. The Sylvan Church is now the Fox Island United Church of Christ.   A preservation organization is striving to raise funds to purchase and preserve this historic structure for present and future Fox Islanders to enjoy. The Historical Society encourages all to study the information brochure you received and support this very worthwhile project.

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For more information, Please contact:

Fox Island Historical Society
PO Box 242; Fox Island, WA 98333
Tel: 253-549-2600

This page online since June 11, 1999

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