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Historical Society
Chapel on Echo Bay
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Fox Island Cemetery
Garden Club
Sand And Soil
Fire Station

Historical Cruise
Clay Babies
Mystery Machine
1910 Census

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1017 Ninth Avenue, Fox Island, WA

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Fox Island Scouts Lead Memorial Day Flag Ceremony

The Cub Scouts of Fox Island's Pack 202 and Girl Scout Troops 290 and 1106 participated in the annual Memorial Day service at the Fox Island cemetery on Monday, May 30th, 2005.

The service is put on each year by the Fox Island Historical Society, and  honors Fox Island's war veterans.

The scouts performed the flag ceremony and led the pledge of allegiance. Hannah Jay of the Fox Island Historical Society presented the other participants, which included a short prayer led by Pastor BJ Beau, and Reverend Lowell Torgerson recited the Cootiette's prayer.

The event concluded with the reading of a list of Fox Island war veterans dating from the Civil War, to present time; and Charles Stephens led the singing of the Star Spangled Banner.

The following scouts helped raise the flag, opening the service:

Cub Scout Pack 202: Christopher Stephens, Ben Long, Nathan Miller, Alex Ohlson, Connor Spencer, and John Gilbert; Leaders: Randy Long & John Ohlson.

Brownie Girl Scout Troop 290: Clare Tupper, Annie Gilbert, Katherine Gilbert, Paige Ketcham, Heather Ohlson; Leader Lise' Ohlson.

Girl Scout Troop 1106: Jennifer Rudsit, Madeline Stephens, Hannah Long; Leader: Linda Rudsit.

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Fox Island Historical Museum Memberships
The Fox Island Historical Museum is accepting memberships. If you have not renewed (or joined) as yet, now is the time to do so. Memberships are as follows:
$25.00 per family
$15.00 individual

Please visit the Fox Island Museum's website: for information about member benefits. Memberships are for the current calendar year and may be purchased by mail, in person during museum hours, and on our website.

Send your memberships to
The Fox Island Historical Museum
1017 Ninth Avenue
P O Box 242
Fox Island, Washington 98333

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A Look Back In Time, at the Museum
Maypole Celebration At The Museum

Island residents young and old, frolic under the Maypole at the Fox Island Museum.

Children made May Baskets under the watchful eye of Hannah Jay, Museum director.

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Click to find out more about the Historical Cruise

The annual Historical Cruise around Fox Island on Sunday, August 17, 2002

Fox Island author and historian Don Edgers narrated this popular event.

The tradition continues today, with an annual cruise narrated by Dave McHugh.

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Would you like to be a part of Pacific Northwest History? 

If so, then the Fox Island Historical Museum would like to meet you.  The museum has added a 1440 square foot addition to its present building.  Why, you may ask?  The artifacts are so numerous that they are stacked on top of each other.  The museum has outgrown its present space. 

We have a veritable treasure trove of items that were either used or donated by Fox Island and the Peninsula area residents.  Also included in the addition will be a hands-on children's museum, complete with activities for all of our smaller guests. 

We need your ideas, your suggestions, and your tax-deductible donations.
For more information, call 253-549-2461

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Historical Beach Walk

George Miller conducted a historical beach walk for the 100-year picnic for the Chapel on Echo Bay, in September, 2000.

The Chapel on Echo Bay

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President: Karen Kretschmer
Vice President: Gail Jones
Secretary/Treasurer: Julie Herling
Recording Secretary: Colleen Koval
Corresponding Secretary: Hannah Jay

Contact Information

Museum:  253-549-2461
President: Karen Kretschmer, 253-514-5884

Fox Island Historical Society
PO Box 242; Fox Island, WA 98333
Tel: 253-549-2461

bulletPancake Feed At The Museum
bulletMemorial Day ceremony at the Fox Island Cemetery
bulletAnnual Historical Cruise August - See photos of last year's historical cruise, and get information about this year's cruise.
bullet Mystery Machine! The museum owns a piece of equipment that is a mystery to them.  Click here to look at photos of it, and help solve the mystery.  Let the museum know what you think it is used for.
bullet View the 1910 Fox Island Census
bulletThe Fox Island Historical Society held it's first meeting on February 22, 1897, and has held a President's Day potluck every year since, for over 103 consecutive years.
bulletThe Historical Society was reactivated in 1959 and opened the first Museum in the Nichols Community Center in 1959.
bulletIn 1980, the Museum was moved to its present site at 1017 Ninth Ave.
bulletThe purpose of the Museum is to display artifacts used by people here on the Island to illustrate the changes in life styles through the years.   There are more than 3000 artifacts on display in Dioramas, Showcases, and free standing exhibits.  Among them is a display describing the life of Dr. Dixy Lee Ray, former Governor, the largest collection of pulley blocks in the State, and several antique gasoline engines in working order.

Museum hours are 1-4 PM Wednesdays, Saturday & Sundays.  Arrangements for special tours can be arranged by calling Karen Kretschmer at 253-514-5884.


bulletMonthly Board meetings are held on the 4th Monday of the month at 7:00 PM, at the Fox Island Museum.
bulletAnnual Meeting for the public is held on the last Wednesday in January, at 7:30 PM at the Fox Island Museum.

Membership Fees

bullet$25.00 per family
bullet$15.00 individual


new.gif (814 bytes)  The Historical Society Newsletter is now online!  It is published on an as-needed basis, and is also available online on our newsletter page.

Washington State Historical Society

Visit the new Fox Island Museum Website

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Gift Shop

Clothing for men, women, and children along with hats, visors, tote bags, mugs, maps, note cards, books, and more are available for sale in the Museum Store.

Miscellaneous Gifts

Fox Island Photo Postcards
Great aerial views


Clothing for Men, Women, Children & Babies
Tee Shirts, Sweatshirts, Embroidered Dixy Lee Ray Designs, etc.
$12 - $40
Car Decals $2.00
Color Fox Island Map
Shows historical points of interest; 16" x 26"
Black & White Fox Island Map
Shows historical points of interest; 11" x 17"
Clay Babies $1.00
1908 Acheson Cabin Christmas Ornament $10.00
Hats, Visors, Tote Bags $12.00


An Island In Time by Don Edgers
Paperback, copyright 2002.
A reminiscence of growing up on Fox Island during the 1940's.
An Island In Time II by Don Edgers
Paperback, 140 pages, 2007.
"Echoes Of Yesterday" by Chaunce W. Wight
Paperback, 100 pages Second edition - 2003
An autobiographical account of early days on Fox Island.
Fox Island: Images of America Series, by Don Edgers
Paperback, 127 pages, 2008.
Fox Island - A History, by Alexis MacDonald
Paperback, 30 pages, 1966.
Mosquito Fleet of South Puget Sound - Images of America Series, by Jean Findlay and Robin Paterson.
Paperback, 127 pages, 2008.
Pioneers Coloring Book, by Eldridge $2

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This page online since June 11, 1999

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