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The Fox Island Sand Spit

The Tacoma Demolay Sandspit Park

The Fox Island Sand Spit is located on the western tip of Fox Island, at 55 Bella Bella Dr.
The spit offers public access to the Fox Island waterfront, and features picnic areas, beach walks, bird watching and walk-in kayak launch.  The property is owned by PenMet Parks.


Eagle Scouts make improvements to Sandspit

October, 2014
This summer has been a busy one for Fox Island's Troop 27 Boy Scouts!

Senior Patrol Leader Matthew W. recently completed his Eagle Project by adding a new trail connecting the Fox Island Sandspit to the upper parking lot.

This re-routes foot traffic from the parking lot out of the street on Island Blvd. through the woods, making for a safer and shorter route to the park gate area.

Ian C. took on another of three Eagle Projects at the Fox Island Sandspit, enhancing and re-routing the trail from the Demolay clubhouse area to the beach.

The old trail followed a straight, downhill path, which became muddy and slippery in the winter.  The new trail has added switchbacks, making the slope more gentle and less slippery.

Jarrett S. completed the trail expansion project by clearing out some overgrown beach area near the end of Ian's trail, and built two picnic tables for the Fox Island Sandspit.

The area was previously overrun by blackberries, and had taken over more than half of the lawn area near the Southwest corner of the park.

The new tables compliment the other two picnic tables built in 2012 by Spencer G., also of Troop 27.

November, 2013

Scouts from Venture Crew 27 removed moss from the roof of the old Demolay Clubhouse building.

December, 2012


Fox Island Scouts clean up sandspit property Cameron Allen, Colin Wilson, Nathan David, Sravan Konda and Spencer Godfrey all of Fox Island's Boy Scout Troop 27 have earned the Eagle Scout award in 2012.  The Scouts organized volunteers to complete service projects at the Fox Island Sandspit.

Cameron Allen helped renovate the Fox Island Sandspit's old Demolay building, by removing an unsafe chimney and repairing the wall where it once stood. 


The salvaged bricks were used by Nathan David's Eagle project, where he replaced a set of rotting stairs leading down to the beach, near the sandspit. 

Sravan Konda built raised walkways for the Fox Island Nature Center, Spencer Godfrey built two beautiful new cedar picnic tables for the sandspit's picnic area.

Troop 27 Scouts Help Clean Up Fox Island Sand Spit

On Saturday, June 11, 2011 Boy Scouts from Fox Island's Troop 27 organized a work party to help PenMet Parks clean up the Fox Island Sand Spit, which was recently acquired from the Tacoma Demolay organization. 
With state funding approved recently during the 2011 legislative session, the plans to improve the property for public use can proceed. 

Work on the property Saturday included demolishing an old swimming float, removing invasive plant species and installing no trespassing signs at the boundaries of the property.

Ivy removal from the old growth cedar trees.

Scouts Cameron and Colin install a new no trespassing
sign at the southern boundary of the sand spit property.

Senator Kilmer Helps Provide State Funding for Sand Spit Improvements

On Thursday, June 23, 2011 former Washington state Senator Derek Kilmer confirmed the state funding for improvements to the sand spit were included in this year's budget:

"As chairman of the capital budget, I was pleased to include $1,267,875 in the final budget.  It's an important project, and I was happy to advocate for it.  Please let me know if I can ever lend a hand."

Derek Kilmer


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