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[Fox Island Playground]

The Fox Island Playground

At the Nichols Community Center

July, 2001

One year to the day since the gazebo got it's roof, the Nichols Center Gazebo got it's railings.  The team of Tony Moore, Dave Johnson, Dave McHugh & Son, and John Ohlson put the finishing touches on the gazebo, in time for the 2001 Fox Island Fair.

July 21, 2001

July, 2000

July 20, 2000: The FICRA Gazebo Builders: 

L to R: Ben Beers, Cliff Broughton, John Ohlson, Doug Palmer, Tony Moore, Georgia Moore, Dave Powell, Dave Johnson,  (not pictured: Adam Tonzi).

The Food & Snack Team: Georgia Moore, Lise' Ohlson, Marcy Powell, Tisa Johnson.

The Fox Island Playground is complete!  The roof has been placed over the gazebo portion of the playground.  Mountain Construction has completed erecting the Gazebo framework.  The builders have finished the Gazebo roof.  The Annual Fox Island Fair served as the Grand Opening for the new Playground and Gazebo.  Radio Station KGHP was on hand broadcasting the ribbon cutting ceremony.  Photos of the new gazebo are coming soon...

The Fox Island Playground was officially dedicated at the Fox Island Fair on Saturday, August 12, 2000.  Playground Committee Chairperson Marcy Powell was on hand to oversee the ribbon cutting ceremony to mark the completion of the gazebo, and radio station KGHP broadcasted the event live.

Mountain Construction assembled the main framework, requiring the use of heavy equipment to raise the beams.

Doug Palmer and Tony Moore work on the ridge post that joins the rafters.

The first rafter goes up.

The ridge post joins the first two rafters.

We were able to put an artistic touch on the roof, as Ben Beers and Doug Palmer carved a mortise & tenon joint for each of the four rafter beams, and carved a decorative center post from a solid 8"x8" fir post.

All rafters are in place, the plywood sheathing begins.

Installing the plywood sheathing

Lunch break, after a long hot day.

The finishing touch was added by Brian Swidrak and John Gilmore of New Horizon Roofing, who donated the roofing materials and labor to install it.

The Grand Opening of the Gazebo, at the 
2000 FICRA Fair

Thanks to a lot of hard work and carpentry expertise, the new Fox Island Nichols Center Gazebo is a reality!

One year ago, the foundation was poured for the gazebo, and the crew from Mountain Construction, led by Jeff Stroud, donated the labor & equipment to erect the main framework of the lower structure. On Saturday & Sunday, July 21st & 22nd, 2000, the builders, led by Dave Powell managed to raise the roof!

And don't forget the most important people, the Food & Snack team, who kept the builders going through the hot sunny afternoon! Georgia Moore made chili on Saturday, and hot dogs & macaroni salad on Sunday.  Tisa Johnson brought a delicious blueberry pie ala mode. Lise' Ohlson brought watermelon, chips, snacks and other goodies, and cooked on Sunday. Marcy Powell and Lise' Ohlson traded child care so their husbands could work on the Gazebo, and Lise' worked her shift at the Fox Island Museum.

Thanks to all who helped make history, as the Fox Island Gazebo will live on for years to come!

Special Thanks to:
Mountain Construction: e-mail:
New Horizon Roofing: 253-265-6216

horizontal rule

July, 1999
Playground Raising a Smashing Success!

The Fox Island Playground was assembled on July 17th & 18th, 1999 on the grounds of the Nichols Community Center.  Thanks to all the volunteers that came and helped to bring our playground to life.

Kids Say the Darndest Things...

Upon the completion of Sunday's construction activities, 3 year old Heather Ohlson was taken on an inspection tour of the new playground with her brother Alex.  As they walked towards the playground, Heather said "Thanks Dad, for helping build this playground for all of us kids to play on".

Playground Raising Day: July 17, 1999

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Saturday morning, digging all those holes...

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Daddy, where does all this bark go?
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Saturday evening, results of day one efforts

The Playground Project
Dave Powell directing the action during the  pouring of the concrete  for the Gazebo foundation.

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Saturday evening, very late... The "Die Hard" crew

Click for Larger Image
Diagram of Playground
(Click for larger image)

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The finished product, undergoing endurance testing by our team of experts

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Another satisfied customer

Over $37,000.00 was raised in less than one year, through the generous contributions of Island Residents and others.  The playground will be a 5,000 square-foot play area.  It will consist of a sandbox, spring rides, swings, monkey bars and more.  All equipment will be handicap accessible.  This includes a picnic section that will be built adjacent to the playground. 

For those wishing to volunteer their experience or equipment, call Dave or Marcy Powell at 253-549-2292. 

Here is what Marcy Powell had to say:

"FANTASTIC web exciting to see it take shape! Thanks for posting the info on the Fox Island is under way! Islanders have been SOOOO generous...we have collected over $37,000 and the playground will be something for us all to be proud of. We would like to post some of the many wonderful stories about it...every time we opened our mouths to say "We need..."-an islander responded immediately!
What we DO need now is people to donate a few hours to help with construction...please contact Dave or Marcy Powell 253-549-2292"

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The Playground Commtitee:
Dana Palmer, Marcy Powell, Betti Ann Yancy, Kris Newman

This page online since June 11, 1999

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