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Fox Island Sand And Soil Garden Club

Contact: President, Jenny Linnane
PO Box 145
Fox Island, WA 98333


UPDATE: Fox Island’s Sand and Soil Garden Club Announces New Officers and Meetings Change

We welcome new members and invite you to attend our monthly meetings. Meetings are held at the Chapel on Echo Bay on the second Thursday of the month from September through June, at 10:00 am. Some of our speaker presentations will be by ZOOM as well. Membership is open to non-Fox Island residents also.

Our purpose is to stimulate and share the love and knowledge of gardening among members, friends, and neighbors in the community of Fox Island. Additionally, members volunteer for island gardening projects and raise funds for college scholarships.

Scheduled guest speakers or educational plant profiles are featured at meetings throughout the year and two planned field trips to local special gardens augment our meeting schedule. Club members sponsor scheduled open house garden parties in July and August where you can enjoy the beauty of their home gardens in full bloom in a relaxed social setting.

Whether you are a novice gardener or have years of experience, we welcome you. Our garden club members are diverse in knowledge, experience and ages. Plants and gardening bring us all together where friendships form quickly and spontaneous social events might have you heading for a local nursery to peruse plant stock with a car full of plant-aholics, or a Japanese maple tree pruning class.

We are a non-profit organization registered within the state of Washington. Dues are currently $10 per member for one year.

The Fox Island Community Garden
Current Board Members for Fiscal 2023-2024:
President: Jenny Linnane
Phone: 253-514-6207
Vice President: Jill Gallagher
Treasurer: Linda Little
Secretary: Dannie McLaughlin

Fox Island Sand and Soil Garden Club
PO Box 145
Fox Island, WA 98333

Archive of Sand & Soil member profiles.

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Sand and Soil Garden Club Speakers for 2023-24
All Programs start promptly at 10 a.m.

November 9- Pruning fruit trees, shrubs, and more with Professor Don Marshall.
Dr. Marshall founded the horticulture program at Lake Washington Technical College and authored 2 books on Northwest Landscaping. He is a certified horticulturist and arborist. Now retired from teaching, he owns and operates Plant Designs.

December 14- Christmas Party, gift exchange and club sponsored lunch.

January 11- Evergreens in the Landscape and How to Prune Conifers
Susan Stuart from Seattle Garden Goddess. We plant conifers but how do we prune them so they don’t grow strange parts? Susan will show us.

February 8- Designing and Maintaining Rock Gardens with Sally Cross.
With drought and high water bills, how can we still have a lovely garden without drenching our gardens with water?

March 14- Container gardens for Vegetable- Lisa Taylor
Author of “Seattle Tilth”, the vegetable Bible for Puget Sound and all-around garden guru. Lisa will focus on vegetable gardening in containers and small plots.

April 11- Arsenic in the Garden.
The history of arsenic poisoning of the soils in Pierce County, and the facts we should all know if we live in Pierce County and on Fox Island. Speaker TBA

May 9-Field Trip or Plant Swap TBD

June- Field Trip or Plant Swap TBD

Here are some of our Civic Projects which the club participates in.

Annual Jeff Feagin Memorial Plant Sale
Third Saturday in May at The Fox Island Museum

The plant sale is a collaborative project that we undertake with the Fox Island Historical Society and is held the third Saturday in May at the Museum. We would love your assistance digging and potting plants in the months leading up to sale, or just helping set up and sell plants the week-end of the sale.

Fox Island Cemetery Flag Pole Garden

Join us in planning, planting, and maintaining the flag pole garden area of the cemetery.

Fox Island Chapel on Echo Bay Garden

Sand and Soil Garden Club Members assist with the planning and maintenance of the Chapel gardens from April through October.

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Sand & Soil Garden Club Plants Daffodils
One weekend in November 2006, the members of the Sand & Soil Garden Club planted over 100 daffodil bulbs at the Fox Island Nature Center.  Spring is nearly here, and the bulbs have begun to come up.  Stop by the Nature Center soon, and enjoy all of the springtime color.

Thank you Sand & Soil!

Below: March 17th, the daffodils are blooming!



Above: Sand & Soil members including Sheila Spinn, Margaret Wickline-Peters, and Marian Fry and many others at the Nature Center.






Adopt a Road

Club members help keep the roadside clean of debris along Island Boulevard from the Fox Island Bridge to Fox Drive. We want our entrance to Fox Island to be clean for both residents and visitors.


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